Wednesday, July 6, 2011

(Today I Met) The Boy I'm Going to Marry

Okay- maybe not literally today.

I heard this song on "Father of the Bride" last night, and it's been in my head. So I made this montage/slideshow thing.

It's only 2:45, so it's not like, crazy insane long.

Besides, this my blog, so if I want to have a sappy video about my guy, I can. Ha.
(Hi, Heather!!)


  1. Wow. A zebra?! :)You two are too cute.

  2. The video is amazing. Mom and I watched it together and I never get over how much I love to read your writing. The one about George Banks made me cry .

    I love you


  3. What program or what did you use to create this adorable slide show and set it to a song?
    I've wanted to make one for forever! (it started when my little sister was graduating and I wanted to make one for her, but never did)
