How nice is it that every year ends, and with it comes this sort of expectancy that we can start afresh. I mean, here we are already 20 days into the new year, and how many people have already broken their New Year's resolutions?
One of my resolutions was to blog more (because apparently two posts a year does not make one exactly productive) and it still took me twenty days to write this measly entry.
At least I'm trying.
I did manage to finish two books already this year- making my "read more" resolution a reality. I say this as I blog while I wait for my Sims 3 games to load while I simultaneously wait for Downton Abbey to come on PBS.
So I may be a bit late when it comes to literary news, but no lie, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn is sincerely one of the best books I have ever read. I inhaled it in about eight hours, and then made Matt stop reading his Theodore Roosevelt biography (seriously?! He makes me looks like such a dunce) so he could read it and I could talk to someone about how amazing it was without spoiling it.
(Side note: I read Gillian's little "About Me" section on her website, and no lie, I wish I had her career. Acclaimed author? Entertainment Weekly feature writer? In the word's of that Gin Blossoms song "Hey, Jealousy!")
I then read Dark Places, another Gillian Flynn book, and while it was good, it wasn't nearly as breathtaking as Gone Girl. I'm currently delving into Sharp Objects. Three books in a little over three weeks? Maybe I shouldn't feel so bad about my Simming/Downton Abbey-ing.
While we're on the (sort of) subject of television, I have to say, I don't understand the obsession with cable anymore. Matt and I finally caved and got cable (mostly because Knology charges an arm and a leg JUST for internet, so we might as well be up to date on Mad Men), but it has been a total let down.
Cable, that is, not Mad Men. It's still not on the air yet.
But yes, back to cable. It's nothing but reality television, movies sloppily pieced together for television that you could watch in their entirety on Netflix, and rants by political heads. If I didn't want to keep up with shows like Mad Men, Vampire Diaries (go ahead, judge me!), and not want to constantly adjust our rabbit ears to get in PBS, I would just cut cable all together and go with Hulu Plus or something. I mean, we already have Amazon Prime (for half price because of Matt's affiliation with a college- holla!) and Netflix, so really we are just trying to keep up with the shows we watch rather than wait for them to be available on Instant View.
Anyways- New Year, same clichéd resolutions as everyone else.
1. Eat better.
2. Exercise.
3. Go to church.
4. Less internet- more reading.
5. Keep a journal.
6. Learn a new language (particularly German since I spent 4.99 on an App.)
7. Cook more.
8. Blog more.
Cheers to 2013- may it be the best year ever (so far!).
Sheryl Sandberg is Super.
11 years ago